Florida City Permit Search
Each county in Florida demands a permit before construction on a property can begin. Unfortunately, unrecorded liens from a previous owner could stop your project in its tracks. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to get confused during the permit acquisition process. If you happen to invest in a property with a lien or other violation, it’s now your responsibility to tackle this issue, which is why you should rely on Florida Lien Search for your Florida city permit search.
Before you start your next development project, you need to ensure that all your T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted. That’s why you should rely on Florida Lien Search to match unrecorded liens to your property through a Florida city permit search. Investing in the experts now will save you a whole lot of trouble later.
Open/Expired Permit Searches
It’s essential that you get a permit before major changes are performed on a property. These guidelines ensure that the house follows the necessary building and zoning standards for municipalities across the state. Keep in mind that these codes will vary from state to state — and even county to county. In Florida, property owners will often rely on a contractor to acquire the permit. Should the contractor or property owner fail to close the permit, however, there’s no guarantee that an inspection has occurred to verify the building’s safety.
Permits must always be closed at the end of a project. If it isn’t closed, it will turn into an “expired permit” after a set amount of days (typically 180 days in Florida). An expired permit might also be attached to a property if more than one permit was opened to perform a different job. In the event that there are still open or expired permits associated with your property, it will be your duty to have them closed or voided. Luckily, a swift Florida city permit search performed by Florida Lien Search can help reveal if these permits are open or expired.

Building permit violations are a little different. If a property has received a permit and the necessary safety standards weren’t followed, a lien will be placed on the property. A lien could also be placed on a property if the property owner fails to maintain their property in accordance with county zoning laws. For example, many people will receive a building violation if rubbish or a broken down car accumulates on their front lawn. The experts at Florida Lien Search can determine if your property violates any coding or zoning laws to ensure you’re able to live comfortably.
It’s important to note that a violation can also occur when construction begins without a permit. Florida Lien Search can find out if you have any property violation liens so you can start your next project without a hitch.
Rely On Florida Lien Search Today
Florida Lien Search is your number one destination for code permit searches, violations, and more. Before you start your next project, call us today at (305) 274-8912.